Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chicken... Stress reducer.... And ... Tasty :)

Tonight with a less than stocked fridge... I utilized the chive cream cheese and turkey bacon I found to stuff and roll my (somewhat) defrosted chicken breast.
Hopefully I didn't disturb my next door neighbor with my intermittent pounding of said chicken breast; As making this recipie does require it. The first time I made this for my husband I didn't have a meat mallet... I "might" have used a cast iron pan to "take out some frustration" on a helpless chicken breast, in order to render it flat.

Take as many chicken breasts as you might need to feed whom ever you are trying to feed...
Say 2-4
Nuke to a somewhat less rock solid state....
Cut off the "creepy bits" you know you won't eat
Then bifracate (cut in two) said chicken breasts :)
Place halved pieces into a large zip top bag (one by one)'and POUND into submission AKA flatness :)
After the "flattening" has taken place take each piece of meat and get it as close to a square as possible...
On one end place a finger to thumb size amount of chive cream cheese and roll toward the other end
In order to keep all the bits together take 1-2 (who am I kidding up to 3) pieces of turkey bacon and wrap them around the rolled cream cheese and beaten chicken.
When you finished wrapping all the pieces place them in a baking dish and park them in a 350 degree oven for around an hour... Hopefully it reaches 165 in that time frame, if not cook longer.

Serve with alcoholic beverage...
Enjoy your strees reducing chicken without the person that stressed you out!
They do not deserve it!

<3 Strange Eats

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for the combination of stress relief and food. Because for me, food relieves stress ;-) Besides, if I'm in a relatively good mood, I do have teenagers who might not be and would probably welcome the chance to beat on something besides their brother.
    Tina @ Life is Good
